Eva Plesner
journalist & writer
I graduated as a journalist from Danmarks Journalisthoejskole (The Danish School of Journalism) in 1991. After four years as a free-lancer I became an employee at Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten, where I stayed until May 2005.
Since then I have mostly been in the Middle East and East Africa, and I am now based in Egypt.
I have travelled in more than 30 countries and covered wars, conflicts and natural disasters, for instance from Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Gaza, Indonesia, Somalia and Congo.
In the summer 2003 I travelled to Iraq for the first time. The stay in Iraq resulted in the awarded book ”Naboerne i Bagdad” (“The Neighbours in Baghdad”, published by JP boeger, April 2004), and written in collaboration with my husband, Flemming Weiss Andersen.
From October 2005, until April 2006 we travelled back to Iraq to gather material for another book about, "Travelling the Red Zone - Tales from Iraq," (Rejse i Rød Zone - Beretninger fra Irak).
In 2008 I received the Laust Jensen-prize for my reporting in Iraq, Lebanon and Somalia.
From 2003 to 2005 I was connected to RUC (The University of Roskilde)’s line of journalism as an associate lecturer.
Flemming Weiss Andersen
photographer, writer and multi media octapus
As a photographers I have delivered photos for newspapers, magazines, books and home pages in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany and England since 2003.
Until 2003 I was mostly a stage director and a dramatist with more than 100 theatre performances, a substantial amount of radio dramas and a few operas in my curriculum.
The change into telling from the real world started with my stay in Iraq in 2003, which resulted in the price awarded book, ”Naboerne i Bagdad” (The Neighbours in Baghdad, April 2004 JP-boeger.), written in collaboration with my wife, Eva Plesner.After another travel in Iraq from October 2005 until April 2006, we wrote our second book about Iraq, "Travelling the Red Zone - Tales from Iraq," (Rejse i Rød Zone - Beretninger fra Irak) Tiderne Skifter November 2007.
In 2005 Eva Plesner and I formed the Danish registered firm grif stories as a project based firm. Grif stories is now a media production company, based in Cairo, and capable of delivering to all kinds of medias.
I do sound-and video editing on Final Cut Pro and Logic Express.
I shoot photos with Canon EOS-1 Mark III and Mark IV, and video footage with Sony PMW-EX1 and Canon Mark IV.